Employment contract

Employment contract

Lawyers for employment law | Employment contract

Employment contract, service contract, drafting employment contract, review of employment contract, clauses in employment contract, vacation entitlement, unlawful clause in employment contract

The basis of almost all employment relationships is the employment contract, so it is of fundamental importance for both employers and employees.

As a rule, in addition to the employee’s duties, remuneration, notice periods and vacation entitlements are regulated. The employment contract may also contain a number of time limits.

For you as an employee, we check your employment contract for unlawful or disadvantageous clauses so that you can always work under the best conditions. A lack of knowledge often makes it difficult to understand the scope of some clauses, and this is where our lawyers can help you by drafting alternative wording.

If you, as an employer, wish to conclude an employment contract, you can generally invoke your freedom of contract. However, this may be restricted by laws and collective agreements, among other things. Legal ambiguities are common in this context. To avoid this, you should make use of our employment lawyers to draft the best possible employment contract. We can help you draw up, amend, supplement or redraft your employment contracts. We advise you not to use standard employment contracts. Many do not pass the content check. Together we can find a practical solution that is tailored to your company’s needs and that will also stand up to the jurisdiction of the labor court.