Has your trademark or patent been infringed?
If there is an infringement of competition law, our lawyers will initially take action for you out of court by issuing a warning letter with a demand to submit a cease-and-desist declaration. If you deny an infringement of competition law, our lawyers can obtain an interim injunction for you in court. The amount of the contractual penalty depends on the severity of the infringement of competition law.
Since the exact wording is particularly important in the area of warning letters, unfair competition and competition law infringements, it is essential to consult our especialized lawyers in this field at an early stage.
In the event that your company is accused of having committed an infringement of competition law or has even already received a warning letter, it is essential to contact a law firm. The experience of our lawyers has shown that an immediate response to a warning letter is advisable. It is important that you do not submit a written declaration regarding a warning letter or a form from a lawyer issuing a warning letter without clarifying this with a lawyer. Let us lawyers for competition law advise you comprehensively on the consequences of a warning letter, an infringement of competition law or a cease-and-desist declaration.