
Information according to § 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG)
The provider of this website is AUREN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Enrique Tortell and Uta Baums
Lurgiallee 14
60439 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 905096-210

Fax: 069 905096-219

Commercial Register Frankfurt am Main
HRB 108175

Registered office of the company: Frankfurt am Main

VAT ID No.: DE 312 1878 49


All persons designated as lawyers are admitted to practice law in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the bar association responsible for their respective branch office.
Frankfurt am Main Bar Association,
Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main,
Phone 069/170098-01

Professional regulations for lawyers

Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO),
Professional Code of Conduct (BORA),
Specialist Lawyers Ordinance (FAO),
Law on the remuneration of lawyers (RVG),
Professional rules for lawyers in the European Community (CCBE professional rules),
Law on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG),
Law Implementing the Directives of the European Community pertaining to the professional law regulating the legal profession
You can find these standards on the homepage of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, subpage “Professional Law”

Professional liability insurance

Lawyers are obliged by the Federal Lawyers’ Act to maintain professional liability insurance. The details can be found in § 51 BRAO.

Our activities are covered by professional indemnity insurance with a group of insurers – each insurer with the stated share:

Allianz Versicherungs-AG 42% (leading company)

AXA Versicherungs- AG 34%

ERGO Versicherungs- AG 24%

Insured property: RAG

The sum insured is 4,000,000.00 euros. As far as legally permissible, insurance cover is provided worldwide.


The pages of this website may contain direct or indirect references to other websites (links) over whose content we have no influence. The respective service provider and / or operator of the website is solely responsible for the content of other websites.
It is hereby expressly declared that no illegal content was recognizable at the time of linking. We cannot reasonably be expected to constantly monitor the content of links to other websites. If we suspect illegal content, we will check the link immediately and remove the link to the other website immediately if it contains illegal content.
All images on this website are protected by copyright. For intended commercial and non-commercial use, please contact the law firm AUREN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH.
Our law firm endeavors to constantly update the information and data provided.
It is hereby expressly declared that we assume no liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness or completeness of the information and data provided.
There are risks associated with data transmission on the Internet: Information that you send to AUREN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH by unencrypted electronic mail (e-mail) can be read, stored and misused by third parties en route. Do not send any confidential information without using an encryption program.
Out-of-court dispute resolution: In the event of disputes between lawyers and their clients, it is possible to apply for out-of-court dispute resolution at the regional bar association ( Frankfurt am Main (pursuant to Section 73 (2) No. 3 in conjunction with Section 73 (5) BRAO), or at the arbitration board of the legal profession (Section 191f BRAO) at the Federal Bar Association, which can be found on the website of the Federal Bar Association (, e-mail: