Contract law

Contract law | OLG on rescission of leasing contract

Contract law | The Braunschweig Higher Regional Court has ruled in a judgment (case reference: 7 U 566/20) that the lessee is generally entitled to repayment of the leasing installments already paid when a leasing contract for a car is rescinded, whereas the lessor can demand compensation for use for the kilometers driven in the […]

Contract law | Lufthansa hopes for recovery

Contract law | After Lufthansa posted another billion-euro loss last year, the airline is hoping for better times this year, even if the consequences of the war in Ukraine are not yet foreseeable. Like all companies in the aviation industry, Lufthansa has been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. Even if the management does not […]

Contract law | LG on duty of disclosure when selling a house

Contract law | In a judgment (Ref.: 11 O 92/20), the Coburg Regional Court determined the scope of the duty of disclosure in a real estate sale and dismissed a claim for rescission of a real estate purchase contract. In the specific case, the plaintiff purchased a residential property from the defendant in 2018. In […]

Contract law | Profits from crypto trading are taxable

Contract law | Baden-Wuerttemberg Fiscal Court, Press release no. 6 / 2021 This was the ruling of the Baden-Württemberg Tax Court on 11 June 2021 (case no. 5 K 1996/19). The appeal is pending before the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH). The file number at the Federal Fiscal Court is not yet known. The plaintiff declared […]

Contract law | Federal Court of Justice on contracts for curved stairlifts

Federal Court of Justice on the right of cancellation of consumer contracts for the delivery and installation of a curved stairlift Judgment of 20 October 2021 – I ZR 96/20 – Curved stairlift Among other things, Competition law the First Civil Senate of the Federal Court of Justice, which is responsible for this area, has […]

Contract law | Regional court regarding repair of a sculpture

Contract law | In a judgement (case no. 22 O 25/18), the Düsseldorf Regional Court ruled that an art lover is entitled to compensation for the repair costs of €17,038 against the defendant gallery due to damage to his sculpture. In the specific case, the plaintiff had purchased the art object ‘Balloon Venus Jeff Koons’ […]