Commercial law

Commercial law | Record profit for BMW

Commercial law | The car manufacturer BMW can report a record profit of 12.5 billion euros for 2021, more than three times as much as in the previous year, and owes this in particular to the premium segment. The record result also leads to an increase in the dividend for shareholders, with the Group paying […]

Commercial law | Takeover of real stores approved

Commercial law | The German Federal Cartel Office has cleared the takeover of a further 58 locations of the supermarket chain real by real Beteiligungs- und Service GmbH, based in Frankfurt am Main, from SCP Retail Operations S.á.r.l., based in Luxembourg, under merger control law. The takeover is being carried out by means of a […]

Commercial law | Rewe plans foreign expansion

Commercial law | The Cologne-based food retailer Rewe wants to significantly expand its international business. Around five billion euros are to be invested in expansion measures by 2025, more than in previous years. The Group currently operates around 4,500 stores abroad. According to Jan Kunath, Deputy Chairman of the Rewe Group responsible for international business, […]

Commercial law | Incentives for e-cars until the end of 2022!

Commercial law| In order to continue to promote e-mobility, the current innovation subsidy for electric vehicles was initially extended by one year. Buyers of purely electrically powered electric vehicles will continue to receive up to €9,000 in subsidies from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) in 2022. Plug-in hybrids are subsidised with […]